Sticky Password Premium (Win&Mac)

Sticky Password is the award-winning password manager and form-filler that remembers your passwords and enters them automatically whenever and wherever you need them - on your desktop, smartphone or tablet. Keep all your passwords in one secure location encrypted by AES-256. Your Master Password will be your key that unlocks your password storage - only you will know what it is! Sticky Password technology has been trusted by millions of people around the world for over 20 years!

In addition to Windows, Sticky Password is also available on Mac, Android and iOS with best-in-class sync options controlled by you. You decide how to synchronize your data across all your computers, smartphones and tablets. If you prefer not to sync via Sticky Password’s secure cloud-based servers, you can utilize local Wi-Fi sync, which syncs your data over your own network and never touches the cloud. And the secure password sharing feature enables you to safely share passwords with family members and colleagues. The added Emergency Access feature allows you to provide access to a trusted friend or family member. You'll have the peace of mind of knowing that your digital legacy is being taken care of.

Please note: the software provides a 1-Year 1 user license (can be activated until November 20, 2022). The program archive includes both Win and Mac versions!
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2 votes Vote

Edit passwords and manage categories on website

As in the title, the ability to edit passwords and manage categories on the website. I didn't notice that there was an option after logging in.
Martin, 31.10.2022, 16:21
1 vote Vote

See visual progress during local sync.

If local syncing is proceeding successfully, please display some sort of visual progress indicator on both ends.
Ray Eason, 31.10.2022, 13:31
0 votes Vote

Utilize Yubikey /or Face recog (if available)

Use Microsoft authentication to authorize or Yubikey to avoid typing passwords (isn't that the point). More reliable and safe.
Tom, 31.10.2022, 23:47
0 votes Vote

See sync. between Windows 11 and iPhone easier to

Sync. between Windows 11 and iPhone laid out in help file. Create "Help" file on menu.
Robert Zseltvay, 01.11.2022, 04:29
0 votes Vote

Add "help" to menu.

Add local "help" to program menu.
Robert Zseltvay, 01.11.2022, 04:32